1 The majority of my works deals with issues of relations between people, objects and space. This often presumes a specific design research, the products of which are processual in nature, have unexpected results and primarily hold a narrative value. I utilize pragmatic design – industrial, architectural or urban – as a basis for intervention. I am interested in transformation, deformation, mutation, not in a formative and formal sense, but in a sense that compels us (or at least me personally) to rethink the existing realities in a new way. What interests me is the political nature of objects and spaces, the notion of surveillance, control and social production instilled in us during our upbringing and education (which are also carefully designed), but also with design itself, which surrounds us on all levels, and which we are mostly not aware of – from the cup on our table, our mobile phone interfaces to entire cities. My work is definitely somewhere between the two fields you have indicated, but it is always flexible and determined by the circumstances of a specific intervention as well as the presentation of the work.

2 I feel the role of critical design will become increasingly significant. For now, socially responsible design, and often critical design have mostly been related to phenomena like open source or DIY. However, taking into consideration the general trends and the increasingly dramatic legal regulations on the market of material and digital products and services, we can predict that speculation, collective narration and even fiction will become legitimate media for the transfer, development and growth of design knowledge, practices and innovations. For my work, speculative design is often the basic modus operandi because it allows me to freely integrate my historical research and the possible futures into a new narrative line or new object.

3 Perhaps, if it were my goal, but that is not the case for now.